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The inspiration behind Septow Partners

I’m Carol Septow, founder of Septow Partners.


As a former graphic designer, I come from the creative side. My clients were primarily corporate marketing directors asking for a single tactic to address their complex business communications objectives. Attempts to discuss the efficacy of this plan and suggest instead a comprehensive program usually fell on deaf ears. I was a vendor hired to make something pretty. If I didn’t want the job, there were others in line behind me.


So that my efforts would make a difference for my clients, I transitioned from design to brand strategy and marketing. Ironically, it was here that I saw how to elevate the real value of great creativity:


Show your client how it is going to help them solve their primary issues using the language of business not marketing- or creative-speak.


In addition, brand, creative and content strategies must be developed together and measured against the goal of realizing results for the client.


Today, I help marketing communications teams grow business by communicating the full value of their services. Learn more about the influence my unique approach, the IMPACTKickstarterhas on my clients' ability to compete more successfully in dynamic markets.  


How can I help? Share your story. 

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